DL Plummer

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Is America a Racist Country?

Let’s be clear: America is not a racist country in its values and aspirations. However, in U.S. policies, practices, and in the lived experience of BIPOC(Black Indigenous People of Color) systemic racism is alive and thriving.

White Supremacy remains the greatest domestic terrorist threat. Systemic racism accounts for disparities in our criminal justice system; education curricula and disciplinary practices; housing segregation; voting suppression; healthcare access, treatment and outcomes; wealth creation; talent recruitment, retention and promotion patterns in organizations; and in stereotypes and controlling images in the media.

Do not be confused by the political rhetoric of “America is not a racist nation” even when it comes from a Black man who defines racism in limited terms to make it fit a political agenda. Racism in its many forms exists in the U.S. and is being actively eradicated by legions of Americans striving to be effective Antiracist and work toward that union of purpose. Be clear which side you are on: denying racism’s existence and thereby perpetuating it, or working to eradicate racism and making a better nation for us all.